Saturday 18 August 2012

5 things to know about Pinterest- a newbie’s guide

Have you heard about the new Pinterest phenomenon? Are you wondering what on earth it is? Are you sick of the notifications from your friends that keep popping up on Facebook (*cough* sorry about that)? Do you want to know more about this new social media site?
 Then read on for five Pinterest facts that will shed some light on why so many of us are getting involved!
1)     What is Pinterest?
Pinterest is a refreshing new site that exposes you to new photography, places, phrases and images that you would never normally find. Our internet journeys are becoming so tailored to what the web thinks we want to look at that it is becoming harder to be surprised and find something unexpected.  Pinterest is a great way to share content and find like-minded individuals, wherever they are in the world.
Pinterest acts as an on-line pin board where you can pin as many images as you like to save for later, use for inspiration or share with friends.
2)     How does it work?
Pinterest is a content sharing site. Every time someone uploads a new pin (a new image) it is available for others to pin on their boards as a re-pin. The site is searchable so, if you like pictures of cats for example, then you will find thousands of pictures to choose from.  You can also follow other ‘Pinners’. If you find someone who pins content you like on just one board, or perhaps all of their boards, then you can choose to view their pins in the ‘Pinners you follow’ section. You can comment on pictures, like them and re-pin them: you can interact in the same way as other social media sites.
 3)     How do I pin an image and what should I pin?
Anything that you find interesting, inspiring, that makes you smile or something that you just want to keep for later. You can upload your own pictures or other pictures that you find on-line by adding the ‘pin it’ button to your browser tool bar.
4)     What type of boards can I create?
Pinterest will give you a few starter boards to inspire you e.g. travel, books you want to read, things for the home etc. Pinterest is particularly popular for wedding planning, home decoration, typography, art, tattoos etc.. the list goes on. You can create boards about whatever interests you, and chances are there will be someone else on Pinterest with a similar passion who you can share content with.
 5)     How do I get involved?
Pinterest users currently need to be invited by existing users or request a login from Pinterest. So if you want a recommendation- ask me or any friends you know who are already addicted!
And who wouldn’t want to look at gorgeous sunsets, fabulous recipes and cute baby animals in their spare time?
Follow me: mytatterednotebook

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