Monday, 27 August 2012

My 2012 Man Booker Challenge... Fifty days to read twelve books...

This year’s long-list for the 2012 Man Booker Prize has been released and in precisely fifty days the winner will be announced. Last year I was poised and waiting to read the winning title but this year I want to be in on the decision making, part of the debate and to be able throw my two pence in on the inevitable discussion on whether this year’s winner is the right one. I’m setting myself a (hopefully) realistic goal of reading all the long-list books ahead of the prize-giving on October 16thAdmittedly, I’m probably not the only one to do this and some are already over half way through, but better late than never.  

So here I am, fifty days away from the announcement and downloading the first of the chosen twelve… reviews to follow…

The 2012 long-list
The Teleportation Accident - Ned Beauman
The Yips - Nicola Baker
Philda- Andre Brink
The Garden of Evening Mists- Tan Twan Eng
Skios - Michael Frayn
The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry- Rachel Joyce
Swimming Home - Deborah Levy
Bringing up the Bodies- Hilary Mantel
The Lighthouse - Alison Moore
Umbrella-  Will Self
Narcopolis-  Jeet Thayil
Communion Town - Sam Thompson

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck! I'm looking forward to hearing what you think - which ones we must read and which we should avoid at all costs!
